Does Your Child Need Pediatric ABA Therapy?

Does Your Child Need Pediatric ABA Therapy?

Pediatric ABA Therapy In general, children who start pediatric ABA therapy early get more out of applied behavioral analysis therapy. Most researchers and practitioners of ABA suggest that children start before they turn five years old, if possible. There are many compelling reasons to choose ABA Therapy: the scientific basis, the track record of success,…

ABA Therapy and Teaching Emotions

ABA Therapy and Teaching Emotions

Emotional behavior — more specifically, emotional expression and receptiveness — is certainly an area pediatric applied behavioral analysis has been shown to make improvements. Common treatment goals associated with this include: Many families seek improvement in at least one of these categories. This is because many children with autism spectrum disorders have trouble controlling, recognizing,…

Sequencing: A Key Element of Pediatric ABA Therapy

Sequencing: A Key Element of Pediatric ABA Therapy

Pediatric ABA Therapy Sequence analysis ABA — the concept that there is a linear structure for activities and behaviors — is deeply important to applied behavioral analysis treatment for autism. It is a focal point of ABA therapy and an organizational element of the process. Everything happens for a reason, and everything works towards a…

Start Strong: Do Not Settle for Less than ABA Therapy for Autism

Start Strong: Do Not Settle for Less than ABA Therapy for Autism

Your child deserves the best possible start in life. ABA therapy for autism is the gold standard for helping young people with autism and it is more effective the earlier you begin. Please do not hesitate if you believe this treatment could be an option for your family. This type of treatment is certified by…

How Functional Behavior Analysis Helps in ABA Therapy

How Functional Behavior Analysis Helps in ABA Therapy

Functional Behavioral Analysis in ABA Therapy Understanding the role of a functional behavioral assessment in applied behavior analysis therapy starts by learning some individual definitions. In an ABA context, these terms have very specific meanings: A functional behavioral assessment seeks to determine what children are trying to accomplish by taking certain actions. In short: why…

Can Exercise Help in Pediatric ABA Therapy?

Can Exercise Help in Pediatric ABA Therapy?

Exercise and physical activity might help in pediatric ABA therapy, depending on the child’s needs and abilities. Behavioral specialists might integrate exercises into your child’s applied behavior analysis treatment for a variety of reasons. Like every other aspect of these individualized therapies, physical activity always serves a specific function and furthers a particular learning and…

Why Sign Language Is Sometimes Part of ABA Therapy

Why Sign Language Is Sometimes Part of ABA Therapy

Sign Language And ABA Therapy Helping your child find a unique voice is an important part of parenthood. If your child is on the autism spectrum, you might have more concern about this critical stage than other parents. Applied behavior analysis could help by developing verbal communication skills through a variety of different techniques and…

An Important Step: Building Writing Skills in ABA Therapy

An Important Step: Building Writing Skills in ABA Therapy

Writing Skills in ABA Therapy These days, when it seems like writing skills are largely eclipsed by high-tech communication methods, it is easy to discount the profound impact learning to write has on a child’s physical and intellectual development. Writing is a core skill that develops motor control, language competence, and emotional perspective. Learning to…

Reinforcement and Why It Is Important for ABA Therapy

Reinforcement and Why It Is Important for ABA Therapy

Reinforcement ABA therapy is one of the foundations of applied behavioral analysis. In short, it is the primary method by which ABA therapists turn observations of behavior into patterns of improvement. Why Does Reinforcement Matter? For children with autism, positive reinforcement – and ABA therapy in general, have been shown to correlate with major goals,…