Why Some Skills Take Time to Learn With ABA Therapy

It can be frustrating waiting for applied behavioral analysis therapy to help develop skills. We completely understand this.

You might be anxious to prepare your child for school. You may be at your wits’ end when it comes to certain problem behaviors at home.

Know that, by choosing ABA, you are doing more than just waiting. You are engaging a skilled, qualified team to work toward a better future for your child. It is normal for these things to take time.

It may also help to know that ABA is currently considered the most effective way to reach development goals for children with autism spectrum disorders. If you still wish to take a more active role, please reach out at any time during the treatment plan to talk about options.

Establishing a Foundation Is the Hard Part

Even though it might not seem quick, even though you might wish there was a pill or other quick-fix, ABA is something of a scientific wonder. Vast reserves of technical expertise, an expansive knowledge base, and thousands of unique case studies inform each treatment course. Beyond that, every child’s progress is consistently monitored to optimize each unique, personalized plan.

Families often must dedicate significant time and effort before seeing the first results. Of course, there is a great deal of preparation and labor for healthcare providers, too. The end goal is to create a lasting set of skills for a future where your child can live and function independently. That end result is worth some commitment.

Progress Builds Brick by Brick

Another reason why ABA takes time has to do with the core practices. Specifically, the idea of reinforcement.

Behaviors are learned and can be modified with consistent, repeated examples and lessons over an extended period. That is one of the central ideas of ABA.

What we try to do as behavioral therapists is endow children with the behavioral library they need to function in social situations, school, and public life. We target specific areas for each child, but, even with that focus, ABA is still a large investment of time and effort.

Each time we reinforce a behavioral pattern, we increase your child’s familiarity with that pattern. Usually, we progress slowly, making sure the foundation is set before advancing in complexity. In fact, most children learn quickly, there is just so much to teach before you start to see visible results take form.

Start Your Planning Early

Perhaps the most reliable way to accelerate ABA results is to start early. Younger children tend to acquire skills more quickly, all other things being equal. Of course, shifting the entire timeline back also typically produces results at a younger age.

In short, please do not wait to contact us regarding ABA therapy for your child. Initial analyses take time, it takes time for children to acclimate to new caregivers, and so on. We will do our best to accelerate these initial processes so you can see results as soon as possible.